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8 Ways to Ease Your Child Back to School

Eight tried and true tips from an elementary school teacher for making your child’s back to school transition and routine a little easier and maybe a little fun!

school supplies: folders, notebooks, and colored pencils

It’s time to start thinking about heading back to school!

It’s like jumping into a frigid pool…sometimes it is better to ease in, rather than jump and experience the shock of the cold. We all will eventually get into our new routine, but we want to make it as smooth as possible for our children.

How do you ease your child back into a routine for school?  

Reestablish Routines:

  • Begin reestablishing nighttime routines. Start to reintroduce these routines a few weeks early. There’s nothing like a relaxing bath and a good book before bed. Try to avoid electronics before bed.
  • Ease back into bedtimes. If your goal is to have your child in bed by 8:30 on a school night, then start by easing him/her into this routine over the course of a couple of weeks. Begin putting him/her to bed at 9, then 8:45, and eventually 8:30.
  • Begin to wake your child up early. Give their internal clocks a chance to readjust. Again, ease back in. If your goal is to have your child awake by 7:30, then begin by waking him/her at 8:00, then 7:45, until they are used to their new wake-up time.

Get Organized for the School Year:

  • Create a family calendar. Post important dates and events on a family calendar in a central location. As the school year begins, update it frequently to include activities and due dates. The visual reminder of the schedule will provide clear organization, predictability, ease anxiety, and foster independence.

When you receive communication from your child’s school, read it right away. Make note of any requirements for starting school and update your calendar of important upcoming dates.

colored pencils

Involve Your Child:

  • Let your child pick out and label their own school supplies. Have your child help choose what he/she wants/needs and then label their own things. This will help your child take ownership over his/her materials and feel like they are organized and ready to go! To make it even easier, head over to my Amazon Storefront and check out my favorite back to school finds! These are affiliate links for your convenience.


  • Begin visiting your child’s school. Take some trips over to the playground. There may be some teachers and staff there, beginning to get things ready. It’s always exciting to see familiar faces. Re-acclimate your child to their school surroundings.
  • Connect with classmates. Check to see if your child’s school offers a meet & greet or some type of  back to school social. If not, try to organize one! Meet some of your child’s new peers at the school playground.

Give your child a fun reason to get out of bed! Host a Potluck Back to School Breakfast Party. This is the easiest party to throw. Invite a group of your child’s friends (with parents) and/or neighbors. Ask everyone to bring a breakfast food or beverage. Set out  some balls, sidewalk chalk, hula hoops, etc. and enjoy the fun!

Real Life Learning:

It’s also a great time to begin getting organized with Ten Helpful Back To School Organization Tips For Parents. I hope this is helpful to you!

Do you have any ideas that we should add to this list?  I would love to hear your thoughts and feedback!

Thank you so much for visiting today! I would love to connect with you on FacebookInstagramPinterest, or here on the blog! 

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PIn it for later text
colored pencils


  1. First – I love the colors you chose for the photos in this post. Second – this is such a good idea. Going back to school is never easy – for the parents or the children. Especially if you aren’t a morning person. Your tips are definitely welcome.

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