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Ten Helpful Back To School Organization Tips For Parents

Help your child get ready to head back to school with these ten tried and true tips for back to school organization.

apple on books, alarm clock and school supplies in bag

Is it already time to think about organizing for back to school?

As both a mom and a teacher, I do love summer. I love the long, carefree days of sunshine and warm weather, colorful flowers, fresh vegetables, vacations, and most of all, time spent with family and friends. But, during a recent trip to Target, I couldn’t help but notice the displays of school supplies and notebooks neatly stacked and ready for shoppers. For me, it was the realization that we are already half way through July. As much as I love summer, there is no denying that it will soon be time to think about heading back to school.

It does take time to gradually get yourself and your children back into a school schedule. For some ideas on how to help transition your child back to school, please see Eight Ways to Help Your Child Ease Back to School.

As you are getting your child ready for the upcoming school year, it is also a great time to get organized. The start of the school year is a time of new beginnings and a time to grow their confidence. A little time invested in getting organized now will definitely help with a smooth transition. Here are ten tried and true ideas for back to school organization, while encouraging independence.

Ten Tried and True Ideas for Back to School Organization

apple on books, alarm clock and school supplies in bag
  • Purchase school supplies early.  Check with your child’s school to see what he/she needs for the school year. If possible, get those supplies early when they are plentiful and not picked over. To make it even easier, head over to my Amazon Storefront and check out my favorite back to school finds! These are affiliate links for your convenience.
  • Color code school supplies.  This is something I had done with my own children when they were young and find it to be very helpful for my students.  I like to use solid colored folders and notebooks. Perhaps green is science, while blue may be used for math. Have your child help choose their colors and label their things. That way, they have some ownership over their things.
  • Have your child make a Take Home Folder. Go ahead and let your child get that cute puppy folder or that MLB folder. If all of the other folders are plain colors, this one will be easy to find. Then, label one pocket:  Papers to Stay at Home and the other pocket:  Papers to be Returned to School.  This will help your child stay organized at school.
children lunchbox with orange juice, apple, and notebooks
  • Create and Update a Family Calendar. Take some time to put the events of your child’s school calendar into your calendar.  Those half days, professional development days, and holidays sneak up quickly on all of us. Having dates marked in your calendar ahead of time will help you be able to plan for those adjustments in schedules.
  • Plan Ahead: As soon as you know the specifics for your child’s schedule, add those into your calendar.  That way, sneakers won’t be forgotten on PE day or a smock left at home on Art day.
  • Model: If your child has a planner, take a little time to model and teach him/her how to use it. Encourage writing in assignments, schedules, and special events.
  • Lay out outfits the night before. We’ve all had that “I have nothing to wear” panic. It happens with our children too. Having them choose their outfits and laying their clothes out the night before can make your mornings go smoother.
  • Backpacks: Have your child pack their backpacks the night before. Packing backpacks the night before will prevent children from forgetting their folders, homework, or library books. If they leave for school feeling confident and ready, they will be on their way to a great day!
lunch box with orange juice, apple, and notebooks
  • Meals: Try to have your child prepare lunches and snacks the night before. I am guilty of not always doing this. I liked my own children to have fresh fruit, sandwiches, and sometimes warm soup for winter. It definitely helps to prep food the night before for an easier morning.
  • Stock Up: Get your pantry and refrigerator stocked with healthy snacks that your child can help themselves to. This will help encourage independence.

Most importantly, enjoy these last few weeks of summer with your children! Slowly getting ready will help them to feel prepared and excited for the upcoming school year!

Lynne's signature

Here are some other education-related posts you might find helpful:


  1. Sally Pirla says:

    Love this Lynn. Your posts are inspiring.

  2. I complete agree with the color coding. It makes it easy for the parent, and the children. There is no fighting over, let’s say the scissors, because they all have their own color. This was a good posts with nice tips. We have 2 in school and one on their way soon. Im going to keep this info for when they age.

    1. Thank you for your kind comment! I am so glad that you found this helpful. Best wishes with your family!

  3. I can’t believe it’s time for kids to head to school. Summer always goes so fast! I love all things organization, and your tips to prepare for the school year are very helpful! I hope you have a great week and enjoy this last bit of summer!

    1. Thanks so much, Donna! It’s crazy how quickly the time goes! I am so glad that these tips are helpful. I hope your boys have a great start to the school year!

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